Release Notes//

Standard Steps in Runs

Standard steps remove repetitive planning work across many different parts and procedures. Instead of repeating and separately revisioning the same instructions across many builds, engineers can copy the same standard step into any procedure. Standard steps are independently revisioned from procedures. When executed, production gets the latest version of a standard step, ensuring you are executing to the latest version

Untracked and lot tracked run improvements

Managing part location and quantity for lot tracked and untracked assemblies on runs is now as easy as it is with serialized builds. Link or create new parts on run creation(or during the run) and move the parts during the run and/or on run completion. You can now maintain the same level of traceability and flexibility when you are creating a run or moving a part's location once the run is complete.

Datagrid Importer

Get your Datagrid into ion faster than ever. Datagrids can now be created by importing a .csv or .xlsx file. Beta users are saving hours when setting up their Datagrid. We are working on making this even faster from right within ion. Until then, import your Datagrids for faster procedure-building!


  • Added run information and parent part information (serial number, lot number) to kitting screen
  • POs can now transition from approved back to draft
  • Part revision is displayed on PO print screen
  • Issue and PO review approvals now show in 'Pending my review' on the home dashboard
  • Ion user accounts created for external automation connections are now identified as "API User" in the user list instead of a blank name


  • Adjusted location dropdown so that it shows the full location name on inventory and includes parent location
  • Enabled parts to be unscrapped by setting the scrap quantity to 0
  • Fixed issue with PO lines without parts not showing on PO print screen
  • Enabled editing serial number on PO line
  • Infinite scroll on inventory page fixed to handle different zoom & display settings
  • Fixed bug that could make duplicate issue tickets in some conditions
  • Fixed case where users would not be automatically clocked out of operation substeps when completing the step
  • Fixed bug that would cause the datagrid to vibrate when scrolling
  • Fixed bug that caused the datagrid to lose sync with the server
  • Improved editor behavior for copy and pasting pictures and tables
  • Fixed case where redlining a step would block fast run execution for downstream steps